«From values to attitudes to behavior»

Prof. Dr. Eldad Davidov , Professor for Sociology

Full professorship in Methods of Empirical Social Research, Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology, University of Cologne





Behavioral Signatures of Values in Everyday Behavior in Retrospective and Real-Time Self-Reports

Skimina, Ewa, et al.

Frontiers in Psychology


Group relative deprivation and ethnic threat perceptions in a cross-national perspective

Meuleman, Bart, et al.

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, in: Taylor & Francis


What factors explain anti-Muslim prejudice? A comparative assessment of Muslim population size, institutional characteristics and immigration-related media claims

Schlueter, Elmar / Masso, Anu / Davidov, Eldad

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies


Contested terrain: explaining divergent patterns of public opinion towards immigration within Europe

Heath, Anthony, et al.

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies


Approximate Measurement Invariance

Lek, Kimberly, et al.

Advances in comparative survey Methods: Multinational, Multiregional and Multicultural Contexts (3MC) (Book)


Immigration from the Immigrants’ Perspective: Analyzing Survey Data Collected among Immigrants and Host Society Members

Ramos, Alice, et al.

Social Inclusion


Invariance analyses in large-scale studies

van de Vijver, Fons J R, et al.

OECD Education Working Papers


The comparability of measures in the ageism module of the fourth round of the European Social Survey

Seddig, Daniel / Maskileyson, Dina / Davidov, Eldad

Survey Research Methods


Measurement invariance: Testing for it and explaining why it is absent

Meitinger, Katharina, et al.

Survey Research Methods


A Monte Carlo Simulation Study to Assess The Appropriateness of Traditional and Newer Approaches to Test for Measurement Invariance

Pokropek, Artur / Davidov, Eldad / Schmidt, Peter

Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal


The cross-country measurement comparability in the immigration module of the European Social Survey 2014-15

Davidov, Eldad / Cieciuch, Jan / Schmidt, Peter

Survey Research Methods


Comparative Survey Analysis – Comparability and Equivalence of Measures (Editorial)

Meuleman, Bart / Davidov, Eldad / Seddig, Daniel

methods, data, analyses (mda)


Explaining Measurement Nonequivalence Using Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling: The Case of Attitudes Toward Citizenship Rights

Davidov, Eldad, et al.

Sociological Methods & Research


Measurement Invariance in Cross-National Studies: Challenging Traditional Approaches and Evaluating New Ones

Davidov, Eldad / Muthen, Bengt / Schmidt, Peter

Sociological Methods & Research


Testing the Circular Structure and Importance Hierarchy of Value States in Real-Time Behaviors

Skimina, Ewa, et al.

Journal of Research in Personality


Values, Attitudes Toward Interpersonal Violence, and Interpersonal Violent Behavior

Seddig, Daniel / Davidov, Eldad

Frontiers in Psychology


Testing for Approximate Measurement Invariance of Human Values in the European Social Survey

Cieciuch, Jan, et al.

Sociological Methods & Research


Comparative Survey Analysis – Models, Techniques, and Applications (Editorial)

Meuleman, Bart / Davidov, Eldad / Seddig, Daniel

mda - methods, data, analyses


Modeling Multiple-country Repeated Cross-sections. A Societal Growth Curve Model for Studying the Effect of the Economic Crisis on Perceived Ethnic Threat

Meuleman, Bart / Davidov, Eldad / Billiet, Jaak

mda methods, data, analyses


Direct and indirect predictors of opposition to immigration in Europe: individual values, cultural values, and symbolic threat

Davidov, Eldad, et al.

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies


Comparative Survey Analysis – Models, Techniques, and Applications (Special issue)

Meuleman, Bart / Davidov, Eldad / Seddig, Daniel

mda - methods, data, analyses


Measurement invariance (Special Issue)

Davidov, Eldad / Muthen, Bengt / Schmidt, Peter

Sociological Methods & Research


Alignment optimization: Estimation of the most trustworthy means in cross-cultural studies even in the presence of noninvariance

Cieciuch, Jan, et al.

Cross-Cultural Analysis: Methods and Applications (Book, Publisher: Routledge)


The relation between ethnic threat and economic insecurity in times of economic crisis: analysing data from the European Social Survey

Billiet, Jaak, et al.

New Uncertainties and Anxieties in Europe (Book, Publisher: Peter Lang)


Cross-Cultural Analysis: Methods and Applications (2nd Edition)

Davidov, Eldad, et al.

Cross-Cultural Analysis: Methods and Applications (Book, Publisher: Routledge)


Comparative Survey Analysis: Comparability and Equivalence of Measures (Special issue)

Meuleman, Bart / Davidov, Eldad / Seddig, Daniel

mda - methods, data, analyses


Testing Measurement Invariance for a Second-Order Factor. A Cross-National Test of the Alienation Scale

Rudnev, Maksim, et al.

mda - methods, data, analyses


Is extreme response style domain specific? Findings from two studies in four countries

Cabooter, Elke, et al.

Quality and Quantity


Attitudes toward Immigrants in European Societies (Special issue)

Davidov, Eldad / Semyonov, Moshe

International Journal of Comparative Sociology


Host or hostile? Attitudes towards asylum seekers in Israel and in Denmark

Hercowitz-Amir, Adi / Raijman, Rebeca / Davidov, Eldad

International Journal of Comparative Sociology


The dynamic relations between economic conditions and anti-immigrant sentiment: A natural experiment in times of the European economic crisis

Kuntz, Anabel / Davidov, Eldad / Semyonov, Moshe

International Journal of Comparative Sociology


Attitudes toward immigrants in European societies

Davidov, Eldad / Semyonov, Moshe

International Journal of Comparative Sociology


A Comparative Perspective on Mothers’ Ethnic Homophily Among Minority Groups in Germany and Israel

Titzmann, Peter F, et al.

Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology


Universalism, conservation and attitudes toward minority groups

Beierlein, Constanze / Kuntz, Anabel / Davidov, Eldad

Social Science Research


The Stability and Change of Value Structure and Priorities in Childhood: A Longitudinal Study

Cieciuch, Jan / Davidov, Eldad / Algesheimer, René

Social Development


Assessment of cross-cultural comparability (Book Chapter)

Cieciuch, Jan, et al.

The SAGE Handbook of Survey Methodology (Book, Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd )


Establishing measurement invariance across online and offline samples. A tutorial with the software packages Amos and Mplus

Cieciuch, Jan / Davidov, Eldad

Studia Psychologica UKSW


Testing for measurement invariance by detecting local misspecification and an illustration across online and paper-and-pencil samples

Cieciuch, Jan, et al.

European Political Science


The comparability of the universalism value over time and across countries in the European Social Survey: exact vs. approximate measurement invariance

Zercher, Florian, et al.

Frontiers in Psychology


The Comparability of Measurements of Attitudes Toward Immigration in the European Social Survey: Exact Versus Approximate Measurement Equivalence

Davidov, Eldad, et al.

Public Opinion Quarterly


Does survey respondents’ immigration background affect the measurement and prediction of immigration attitudes? An illustration in two steps

Sarrasin, Oriane, et al.

International Journal of Public Opinion Research


Values, Social Psychology of

Cieciuch, Jan, et al.

International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition)


Some methodological challenges of cross-national social research: conceptual and measurement validity

Billiet, Jaak, et al.

Hopes and Anxieties in Europe. Six waves of the European Social Survey (Book (EPUB), Publisher: Peter Lang)


Human values, legal regulation, and approval of homosexuality in European countries: A cross-country comparison

Kuntz, Anabel, et al.

European Journal of Social Psychology


Comparing results of an exact vs. an approximate (Bayesian) measurement invariance test: a cross-country illustration with a scale to measure 19 human values

Cieciuch, Jan, et al.

Frontiers in Psychology


Individual values, cultural embeddedness, and anti-immigration sentiments: Explaining differences in the effect of values on attitudes toward immigration across Europe

Davidov, Eldad, et al.

KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie


Measurement Equivalence in Cross-National Research

Davidov, Eldad, et al.

Annual Review of Sociology


A Hierarchical Structure of Basic Human Values in a Third-Order Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Cieciuch, Jan, et al.

Swiss Journal of Psychology


Relations between cultural and emotional integration: The case of Germany

Hochman, Oshrat / Davidov, Eldad

European Sociological Review


The cross-national invariance properties of a new scale to measure 19 basic human values: A test across eight countries

Cieciuch, Jan, et al.

Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology


Attitudes towards Immigration and Their Antecedents: Topline Results from Round 7 of the European Social Survey

Heath, Anthony, et al.

European Social Survey (ESS Topline Results (7))


Skalen und Indizes

Latcheva, Rossalina, et al.

Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung


Democratic Attitudes Measures: Cross-National Equivalences

Ariely, Gal / Davidov, Eldad / Michalos, Alex C

Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research (Book, Publisher: Springer)


Evaluating measurement invariance for social and political trust in western Europe over four measurement time points (2002-2008)

Coromina, Lluis / Davidov, Eldad

Research and Methods


Methods, theories, and empirical applications in the social sciences: Festschrift for Peter Schmidt (Book)

Salzborn, Samuel / Davidov, Eldad / Reineke, Jost

Methods, Theories, and Empirical Applications in the Social Sciences (Book, Publisher: Springer)