«There is nothing more practical than a good theory»

Dr. Jan Cieciuch , Project Leader

at the URPP Social Networks. Jan Cieciuch received the PhD degree in psychology in 2006 and habilitation in psychology (in Poland) in 2014. His interests focus on positive psychology, personality psychology, developmental psychology and methodology. Jan Cieciuch together with Włodzimierz Strus developed the Circumplex of Personality Metatraits that enables a far reaching integration of various constructs and models developed within many sub-disciplines of psychology, including traits, character strengths, value priorities, motivation, emotion, identity formation modes, mental health, well-being and personality disorders. He created Personalitas a team of researchers who are using the Circumplex of Personality Metatraits to work on the synthesis of these constructs within one unified framework, taking into account the structure and functioning, development and pathology of personality. Jan Cieciuch with his Personalitas team developed many instruments to measure various aspects of personality and well-being. His recent publications appeared in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Research in Personality, Journal of Happiness Studies and Journal of Youth and Adolescence.





Behavioral Signatures of Values in Everyday Behavior in Retrospective and Real-Time Self-Reports

Skimina, Ewa, et al.

Frontiers in Psychology


Approximate Measurement Invariance

Lek, Kimberly, et al.

Advances in comparative survey Methods: Multinational, Multiregional and Multicultural Contexts (3MC) (Book)


The cross-country measurement comparability in the immigration module of the European Social Survey 2014-15

Davidov, Eldad / Cieciuch, Jan / Schmidt, Peter

Survey Research Methods


Does organizational formalization facilitate voice and helping organizational citizenship behaviors? It depends on (national) uncertainty norms

Fischer, Ronald, et al.

Journal of International Business Studies


Werteentwicklung im Kindes- und Jugendalter (Monografie)

Döring, Anna, et al.

Verlag: Liberi Libri


Explaining Measurement Nonequivalence Using Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling: The Case of Attitudes Toward Citizenship Rights

Davidov, Eldad, et al.

Sociological Methods & Research


Testing the Circular Structure and Importance Hierarchy of Value States in Real-Time Behaviors

Skimina, Ewa, et al.

Journal of Research in Personality


The Contribution of Religiosity to Ideology: Empirical Evidences From Five Continents

Caprara, Gian Vittorio, et al.

Cross-Cultural Research


Testing for Approximate Measurement Invariance of Human Values in the European Social Survey

Cieciuch, Jan, et al.

Sociological Methods & Research


The Structure of Character Strengths: Variable- and Person-Centered Approaches

Najderska, Małgorzata / Cieciuch, Jan

Frontiers in Psychology


Alignment optimization: Estimation of the most trustworthy means in cross-cultural studies even in the presence of noninvariance

Cieciuch, Jan, et al.

Cross-Cultural Analysis: Methods and Applications (Book, Publisher: Routledge)


The mental health continuum-short form: The structure and application for cross-cultural studies-A 38 nation study

Żemojtel-Piotrowska, Magdalena, et al.

Journal of Clinical Psychology


Measurement Invariance of Personal Well-Being Index (PWI-8) Across 26 Countries

Żemojtel-Piotrowska, Magdalena, et al.

Journal of Happiness Studies


Exploring the Complicated Relationship Between Values and Behaviour

Cieciuch, Jan / Roccas, Sonia / Sagiv, Lilach

Values and Behavior


Personal values in human life

Sagiv, Lilach, et al.

Nature Human Behaviour


Basic Values, Ideological Self-Placement, and Voting: A Cross-Cultural Study

Caprara, Gian Vittorio, et al.

Cross-Cultural Research


Measurement of psychological entitlement in 28 countries

Żemojtel-Piotrowska, Magdalena A, et al.

European Journal of Psychological Assessment


Towards a synthesis of personality, temperament, motivation, emotion and mental health models within the Circumplex of Personality Metatraits

Strus, Włodzimierz / Cieciuch, Jan

Journal of Research in Personality


Two-Factor Model of Personality

Cieciuch, Jan, et al.

Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences



Cieciuch, Jan, et al.

Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences


Multidimensional Scaling (MDS)

Cieciuch, Jan / Zeigler-Hill, Virgil / Shackelford, Todd K.

Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences


Universals and specifics of the structure and hierarchy of basic human values in Vietnam

Różycka-Tran, Joanna, et al.

Health Psychology Report


Value tradeoffs propel and inhibit behavior: validating the 19 refined values in four countries

Schwartz, Shalom H, et al.

European Journal of Social Psychology


Values and the Human Being

Cieciuch, Jan, et al.

The Oxford Handbook of Human Essence



Schwartz, Shalom H, et al.

The ITC International Handbook of testing and Assessment (Book, Publisher: Oxford University Press)


The Stability and Change of Value Structure and Priorities in Childhood: A Longitudinal Study

Cieciuch, Jan / Davidov, Eldad / Algesheimer, René

Social Development


Assessment of cross-cultural comparability (Book Chapter)

Cieciuch, Jan, et al.

The SAGE Handbook of Survey Methodology (Book, Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd )



Schwartz, Shalom H / Cieciuch, Jan / Miller, Harold L.

The SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Psychology


Establishing measurement invariance across online and offline samples. A tutorial with the software packages Amos and Mplus

Cieciuch, Jan / Davidov, Eldad

Studia Psychologica UKSW


Testing for measurement invariance by detecting local misspecification and an illustration across online and paper-and-pencil samples

Cieciuch, Jan, et al.

European Political Science


Basic Personal Values Underlie and Give Coherence to Political Values: A Cross National Study in 15 Countries

Schwartz, Shalom H, et al.

Political Behavior


The comparability of the universalism value over time and across countries in the European Social Survey: exact vs. approximate measurement invariance

Zercher, Florian, et al.

Frontiers in Psychology


Relationships Between Identity and Well-Being in Italian, Polish, and Romanian Emerging Adults

Karaś, Dominika, et al.

Social Indicators Research


The Comparability of Measurements of Attitudes Toward Immigration in the European Social Survey: Exact Versus Approximate Measurement Equivalence

Davidov, Eldad, et al.

Public Opinion Quarterly


Personal values and political activism: A cross-national study

Vecchione, Michele, et al.

British Journal of Psychology


Values, Social Psychology of

Cieciuch, Jan, et al.

International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition)


The Polish adaptation of the Mental Health Continuum-Short Form (MHC-SF)

Karaś, Dominika / Cieciuch, Jan / Keyes, Corey L M

Personality and Individual Differences


Comparing results of an exact vs. an approximate (Bayesian) measurement invariance test: a cross-country illustration with a scale to measure 19 human values

Cieciuch, Jan, et al.

Frontiers in Psychology


The Polish adaptation of the IPIP-BFM-50 questionnaire for measuring five personality traits in the lexical approach

Strus, Włodzimierz / Cieciuch, Jan / Rowiński, Tomasz

Roczniki Psychologiczne / Annals of Psychology


The short IPIP-BFM-20 Questionnaire for measuring the Big Five

Topolewska, Ewa, et al.

Roczniki Psychologiczne / Annals of Psychology


Measurement Equivalence in Cross-National Research

Davidov, Eldad, et al.

Annual Review of Sociology


A Hierarchical Structure of Basic Human Values in a Third-Order Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Cieciuch, Jan, et al.

Swiss Journal of Psychology


The Factorial Structure of Four Temperament Styles and Measurement Invariance Across Gender and Age Groups

Rowiński, Tomasz / Cieciuch, Jan / Oakland, Thomas

Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment


The cross-national invariance properties of a new scale to measure 19 basic human values: A test across eight countries

Cieciuch, Jan, et al.

Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology


The Big Five and beyond: Personality traits and their measurement

Cieciuch, Jan / Łaguna, Mariola

Roczniki Psychologiczne / Annals of Psychology


Poza wielką piątkę – przegląd nowych modeli struktury osobowości [Beyond the Big Five — review of new models of personality structure]

Strus, Włodzimierz / Cieciuch, Jan

Polskie Forum Psychologiczne


Applying the refined values Theory to past data: What can researchers gain?

Cieciuch, Jan / Schwartz, Shalom H / Vecchione, Michele

Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology