«Marketing is not all about finding the right color for the next commercial»

Dr. Selin Akca , Assistant Professor

is an empirical marketing researcher with broad interests in the domains of fast moving consumer goods, such as food, health & wellness products and gasoline & oil. Her research interests include dynamic models of consumer decision-making with a specific focus on forward-looking consumers, and consumer discount factor estimation. Her recent research focuses on experiments run by a large energy company to provide the empirical evidence of forward-looking consumer behavior. In another stream of research, she studies how changes brought by the digital world impact the consumer search behavior.

Selin earned an undergraduate degree in mathematics from Marmara University, in Istanbul, Turkey in 2002. She received a diploma degree in business administration in 2008 and a PhD in economics in 2014 from Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. During her PhD studies, she was a visiting scholar at the Booth School of Business of the University of Chicago. She joined the University of Zurich faculty in 2014.