THE PIIK Gipfelblick is a discussion series that brings industry leaders from Swiss companies to the University of Zurich to share the latest challenges of the company’s day-to-day business, effective management practices and personal experiences with the students.

Our guest
We are happy to announce that Marc Walder, CEO Ringier AG, will be the next guest in the Gipfelblick-series. He speaks about his professional experience and answers questions from René Algesheimer, Director of the URPP Social Networks and Professor of Marketing.
How does digitalization change media corporations? Which values and visions influence decisions in day-to-day business? How do global Internet monopolists such as Amazon, Google and Facebook influence the local economy of Switzerland?

Please find the invitation here.

Date and location
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
18:30 – 20:00
University of Zurich, Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zurich
Room: KOL-G-201

The language of the event is German. We’re looking forward to a stimulating discussion.

To stay informed about the upcoming event follow us on Facebook: THE PIIK Gipfelblick on Facebook