The master’s study program concentrates on the customer-centric management of a company. The goal of such a business strategy is to build long-term, stable and profitable customer relationships. Students will understand the most critical challenges and opportunities of digitalization, technology, and sustainability in marketing.

Prof. Dr. Martin Natter, Chair of Marketing and Dr. Markus Meierer, Chair of Marketing and Market Research explain us more about the Minor in Marketing, that will be offered starting this autumn 2021.

1) Which students would you recommend to take the minor in Marketing? Why is it relevant?

All students interested in marketing in general and quantitative marketing in particular. The minor in marketing gives the opportunity to get exposure in a wide variety of marketing-related topics such as retail marketing, pricing, digital marketing, and branding. In addition, this minor also enables students to deepen their knowledge in business analytics and data-driven decision marketing within the context of marketing. 

2) Who can register for the minor in Marketing?

The minor in marketing is primarily targeted towards students within the Master of Business Administration study program. However, all students who are eligible to participate in the minor of marketing according to their study program regulations are invited to register for these classes. 

3) Students can choose their classes from several institutes. How did you select the classes for the minor in Marketing?

The curriculum of the minor in marketing reflects not only a strong emphasis on marketing-related topics but also the increasing importance of business analytics for marketing. The courses that are part of the minor of marketing where picked accordingly.

Students who are interested to participate in classes within the Minor in Marketing must ensure to fulfill the requirements for each class (in particular, with regards to the classes in the “BMC” bucket). If in doubt, please contact the lecturer of the specific course